Sunday, August 30, 2009

you can hate me, but i beat you to it.

Do you ever let your mind wander like I do?
Think of your life like every romantic drama you've ever seen.

Wouldn't you love it if they did beg you to take them back?
Tell you they love you and losing you was the biggest mistake they've ever made?
But they don't.
They just stop caring.
In 24 hours, all the love is gone.
You don't know how it happened, but it doesn't matter anymore.
You can't change a damn thing, so understanding isn't important.
And then you get to a point where you're happy you can't change anything.
You realize they're a prick and you want nothing to do with them, maybe.
Or you leave the city, and forget.
They've forgotten you.
And as hard as it is to come to terms with that, it's the truth.
A part of you will always want there to be a part of them that won't forget.
A part of them that will want you back, in some way or another, everytime they see you.
It's like that for some of us.
Maybe one or two past lovers would do anything to have you back if they got the chance.
But the problem with life is, no one knows what the most important thing is:
Whatever way you want it, healthy, toxic, fun, adventurous..
Love is everything.
Which is why people want there to be more attached to love.
They don't want to believe love, true love, can end.
But it can.
It does.
And maybe you want to convince yourself that person never loved you.
But sometimes the truth can't leave.
You know they wouldn't have cried for you that way, wouldn't have wanted to die for you,
if they never loved you.
Love is an easy thing.
And the hardest thing in the world.

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